
Showing posts from June, 2013

Custom Timer Job not Taking New code changes

I find two interesting issues in SharePoint2010 Custom Timer Job, 1)         When I redeploying customer job with new code changes I find that code won’t affect. After debugging I find this as issue. Then I try to reset IIS and rebuild solution, Redeploying again and again, change feature folder name and changing timer job name, but no luck.   After wasting two hours of time I find the solution is to “reset timer job”.   Because timer job is running on locked mode. To reset to timer job I follow this PowerShell command. Restart-Service SPTimerV4 A fter each deployment I reset this timer job, there after my code executes fine. 2)       I try to access Web Config   App Setting keys in my custom timer job using “ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["xxxxxx"];   but It showing always null. after I realized that web config is running under ‘W3WP’ process, ‘OWSTIMER’ has no permissions to access web config....