
Showing posts from April, 2013

Hide the Upload Button of the Doucment Library

Open your site using SharePoint Designer.  Once opened, navigate to your Library and edit your default view.  (All Files -> Your Library -> Forms -> Your View.aspx , right click and select Edit File in Advanced Mode) At the bottom of the screen you will see three options Design, Split, and Code.  Select the Split option. In your code window, locate the  <asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderId=”PlaceHolderMain” runat=”server”>   tag. Now, scroll down and find the closing  </asp:Content> tag.  Insert a line above the closing tag.  Place the following code into that newly created blank line. <style type="text/css">  #Ribbon\.Documents\.New\.AddDocument-Large { display:none; }  #Ribbon\.Library\.Actions\.OpenWithExplorer-Medium { display:none; } </style> Click save, then refresh your page.  The Documents tab should now be missing the Upload Document button and the Library tab should be...