
Showing posts from 2013

Save site as Template Missing!

  We might go through a situation where “Save as site template” option is missing. When I opened Site Actions > Site Settings > The following option was missing. Solution Activate the feature Publishing feature will make the back. Alternative Solution We can also type the Page URL to get the Save as template page. http://server/_layouts/savetmpl.aspx  

SharePoint 2010 Modal Dialog Pop up

Modal Dialogs in SharePoint 2010 use the client library SP.UI.ModalDialog and ShowPopupDialog. We can open Dialog without leaving the page by writing simple html markup and by calling some SP.UI.ModalDialog API’s. Most simplest and an easy way to create SharePoint Modal Dialog is, calling JavaScript function and pass only URL parameter. <a href=”javascript:SP.UI.ModalDialog.ShowPopupDialog(‘/_layouts/viewlsts.aspx?isDlg=1′);” > View All Contents < /a> isDlg=1 Optional You can simply add “&IsDlg=1″ to any SharePoint URL and the chrome will be turned off. There are some parameters specially setting the width and the height of the window and a null parameter for call back function. which for now is set to null. We can create Dialog with specified hight and width like, < a href=”javascript:SP.UI.ModalDialog.ShowPopupDialog(‘/_layouts/viewlsts.aspx?isDlg=1′, null, 500, 300);” > View All Contents...

SharePoint Custom Workflow Failed on start (retrying).

recently we developed custom sequential workflow with initiation page. when we click to run workflow on initiation page, workflow status message shows failed on start (retrying). We try to find the root cause, first we analyze initiator permission level.  then we checked workflow onActivated coding block and correlation tokens of workflow activities, seems every thing fine. after long time we find the solution similarly to permissions, during workflow starting activity ( Web.Site.WorkflowManager.StartWorkflow(workflowListItem, association, GetInitiationData) we given safe updates to true and false of workflow item on workflow onActivated event. that causes to inconsistence of item permission workflow got stopped. once we removed alowunsafeupdates of an item workflow runs smoothly.

Custom Timer Job not Taking New code changes

I find two interesting issues in SharePoint2010 Custom Timer Job, 1)         When I redeploying customer job with new code changes I find that code won’t affect. After debugging I find this as issue. Then I try to reset IIS and rebuild solution, Redeploying again and again, change feature folder name and changing timer job name, but no luck.   After wasting two hours of time I find the solution is to “reset timer job”.   Because timer job is running on locked mode. To reset to timer job I follow this PowerShell command. Restart-Service SPTimerV4 A fter each deployment I reset this timer job, there after my code executes fine. 2)       I try to access Web Config   App Setting keys in my custom timer job using “ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["xxxxxx"];   but It showing always null. after I realized that web config is running under ‘W3WP’ process, ‘OWSTIMER’ has no permissions to access web config....

How to Remove “+ Add document" from a SharePoint 2010 Document Library

In previous article , we have learned how to hide upload button of document library. In this post, we will see how to remove the “ + Add document” option from the document library in SharePoint 2010. We will get some scenarios where, we will display the document library I different view and in that, we don’t want this option to be shown to the users. Because, it will allow the users to upload the documents. Suppose the below is the document library where we want to hide the Add document option   We can achieve this by the following methods 1.    Editing the WebPart 2.    Using SharePoint Designer(CSS) 3.    Using J Query 4.    By Permission level(Default) 1. Editing the WebPart Go to Edit WebPart -> Tool bar Type -> Select NoToolBar option which will hide the Add Document option 2. Using SharePoint Designer(CSS) Go to the designer and edit the page/webpart where you want to hide. Search for  class=”ms...

Hide the Upload Button of the Doucment Library

Open your site using SharePoint Designer.  Once opened, navigate to your Library and edit your default view.  (All Files -> Your Library -> Forms -> Your View.aspx , right click and select Edit File in Advanced Mode) At the bottom of the screen you will see three options Design, Split, and Code.  Select the Split option. In your code window, locate the  <asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderId=”PlaceHolderMain” runat=”server”>   tag. Now, scroll down and find the closing  </asp:Content> tag.  Insert a line above the closing tag.  Place the following code into that newly created blank line. <style type="text/css">  #Ribbon\.Documents\.New\.AddDocument-Large { display:none; }  #Ribbon\.Library\.Actions\.OpenWithExplorer-Medium { display:none; } </style> Click save, then refresh your page.  The Documents tab should now be missing the Upload Document button and the Library tab should be...


Default PageNotfound\404 page   - By default, all the Publishing sites contain a default Error\404 page  “PageNotFoundError .aspx” page which is added to the “Pages” library (See below). This page can be modified to add some custom text. “Error Page” Content Type -   To allow users to Create a new 404 Error page, Publishing Sites now contain a new Content Type “ Error Page “.This Content type Inherits from “Page” Content type and has a typical layout of a Page Not found or 404 pages. To find this Content type Navigate to Site Settings -> Content Types -> Error Page. Create a New PageNotFound or 404 Page  – To Create a new 404 page admins can navigate to the “Pages” Library and under the “Files tab” select “New Document”.In the “New Document” drop-down menu select “Error Page” (see the screen below). Once you have Created a new Error Page you can modify it by simply clicking the page in the pages library and editing it. Once do...

The Server was unable to save the form at this time. Please try again.

error : " The server was unable to save the form at this time. Please try again. " i got this error while i updating list item in SharePoint 2013 custom list. I am surprise, now how i fix this and what causes to happens this issue. then finally i found some reference to restart "Search Host Controller Service". As of now i don't know why we restart. for time being i tried and now its works fine without issue. you can find "Search Host Controller Service" at manage services in central administration, just stop and start.